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  • Patrick Donnelly's avatar
    ceph.conf: add variable setting monitor addr block · 6e62c515
    Patrick Donnelly authored
    For some providers (such as upcoming Linode support), some NICs may have
    multiple IP addresses. (In the case of Linode, the only NIC has a public
    and private IP address.) This is normally okay as we can use the
    ceph.conf cluster_network and public_network variables to force the
    monitor to listen on the addresses we want. However, we also need
    ansible to set the correct monitor IP addresses in "mon hosts" (i.e. the
    addresses the monitors will listen on!). This new monitor_address_block
    setting tells ansible which IP address to use for each monitor.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPatrick Donnelly <>
    ceph.conf: add variable setting monitor addr block
    Patrick Donnelly authored
    For some providers (such as upcoming Linode support), some NICs may have
    multiple IP addresses. (In the case of Linode, the only NIC has a public
    and private IP address.) This is normally okay as we can use the
    ceph.conf cluster_network and public_network variables to force the
    monitor to listen on the addresses we want. However, we also need
    ansible to set the correct monitor IP addresses in "mon hosts" (i.e. the
    addresses the monitors will listen on!). This new monitor_address_block
    setting tells ansible which IP address to use for each monitor.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPatrick Donnelly <>