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  • AJ Yoo's avatar
    path: Move wildcard-related code to its own file · ec568b4e
    AJ Yoo authored
    Wildcard is now used by both Map and the Match*
    functions, and has enough functions defined on
    it that it should be in its own file. The same
    goes for the corresponding tests.
    Change-Id: Iaa4099b585f5fbcd41e390b8a913139ce118a473
    path: Move wildcard-related code to its own file
    AJ Yoo authored
    Wildcard is now used by both Map and the Match*
    functions, and has enough functions defined on
    it that it should be in its own file. The same
    goes for the corresponding tests.
    Change-Id: Iaa4099b585f5fbcd41e390b8a913139ce118a473